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Back on the Road


  • Rulkorf runs back to the others and tells them that the rings allow for a telepathic link. After a bunch of fumbling, the group manages to deduce that pressing the emerald inset on the band of the ring triggers the thought-broadcast.
  • They note that there is probably a range-based limit (unconfirmed), and there is no separate channel or encryption or anything, so to be wary of others nearby with similar capability (such as other bluepill mages)
  • The group heads inside to interrogate the dragonborn sergeant. Kleb is pleased that all 5 of the prisoners seem to be receptive to the tenets of Lozenge Gules, and releases them from their cells. They are referred to Dennis, Steve, and Jared (three Redbrand recruits) for orientation and induction.
  • The group pull the dragonborn aside, whose name is Arath, for some questions:
    • His group of mintarn was sent by Lord Neverember to support the Lozenge Azure contingent and protect them. While in the field, TK gave the order to infiltrate the manor, and leave no survivors, including the goblinoid hostage
    • Arath and Kleb build a bit of a rapport, both having military background
    • Rowan asks whether Arath knew of King Grohl, which he answers in the negative
  • Turning to the bugbear, the group wants to question him a bit too
    • Feeling like a new bugbear, he says that he is taking the name Dennis as well. To avoid confusion, Kleb proposes the monikers Little Dennis & Big Dennis, to which the bugbear adopts “Little Dennis.”
    • He has no knowledge of King Grohl’s connections, unfortunately, and had never met TK.
  • On the way back to Stonehill Inn for the night, Rulkorf feels an unseasonal chill in the air. He checks the weather with his Druidcraft, which shows that it should be warm and clear-skied in the near future.
  • The party resolve to leave for Neverwinter first thing in the morning, in the hopes that they can learn more about the workings of the Lozenge Azure, and perhaps interfere with their machinations
  • The party stock up on a few supplies from Barthen’s, say goodbye to Sister Garaele (who blesses them), and head out, using the abandoned wagon left behind by the Lozenge Azure mages.
  • The party has been in Phandalin for a quite a few weeks and is happy for the change of scenery – especially Rulkorf
  • At the junction of the High Road and Triboar Trail, the adventurers comes upon the traveling circus they had heard about! They park the wagon and head into the Sword Coast Carnival